Cannabidiol is a naturally occurring cannabinoid compound found in cannabis. Unlike other cannabinoids, cannabidiol — or CBD — does not produce a psychoactive effect. Many studies have been performed on the results of CBD and its interaction with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS). While it’s becoming more popular among medical marijuana patients, there are still many questions surrounding it.
In 2009 Dr. Stephanie McGrath from Colorado State University began her Master’s degree thesis to answer some common questions about this increasingly popular product. After two years of collecting data, she published her results in 2012 in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. The study explored the factors that determine how long it takes for CBD to work in dogs.
So, how does CBD work with our bodies? According to a 2011 study conducted by Dr. Mercola, if there’s a deficiency of cannabinoids or reduced endocannabinoid activity in your pet’s body, then supplementing with CBD may help restore their ECS and improve health. When administered orally, most cannabinoids are metabolized very quickly by the liver before entering the bloodstream. A second study from 2008 found that only 33% of a dog’s dose is likely to pass into circulation via oral ingestion.
The 2008 paper suggests an intravenous route as being more efficient because 100% of the cannabinoid reaches your pet’s bloodstream. Veterinarian Tom Diezel, who is currently conducting clinical trials for pets with anxiety problems, explains that the oral bioavailability of CBD in dogs is low because it’s metabolized so rapidly. The liver breaks down the CBD before it can reach your pet’s bloodstream.
For this reason, Mr. Diezel prefers to inject his patients with a synthetic version of cannabidiol called dronabinol. He warns pet owners to “be careful” when purchasing over-the-counter of theĀ best cbd oil for dogs products when giving them to their fur babies orally. He says that when you give your pets CBD oil products intended for humans, they’ll have a minimal effect because the dosages are wrong. Instead, he recommends working closely with a veterinarian to determine the best dosage for your furry friend.
The great thing about CBD is that it stimulates the body to produce more endocannabinoids, which can be very beneficial if your pet suffers from a deficiency. In addition, Dr. Stephanie McGrath’s thesis found that giving dogs CBD in conjunction with conventional medications made their drugs work better and longer. Even though the study focused on oral administration, this could still translate well into something positive for humans!